Water does far more than just quench your thirst. Ensuring you are properly hydrated is the single most important step you can take toward improving your health. Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water. If we don't receive hydration we can have symptoms of anxiety, digestive upset, constipation, dry skin, brain fog, sleeplessness and so much more!
Water is the main component of our blood, which supplies our cells with oxygen and nutrients, and keeps our organs functioning properly.
It regulates body temperature, keeps our joints lubricated, prevents infections, can support emotional stability, and carries waste out. Being well-hydrated improves our sleep, aids digestion, increases brain function, and even improves our mood.
It can be hard to keep up our hydration in Winter as we don't get as thirsty. Drinking hot water is a great way to keep hydrated and is also an ancient Ayurvedic trick to detox our lymphatic system.

Let's talk about Tap Water
A number of harmful chemicals are added to Australia’s tap water, including chlorine and fluoride. Chlorine is known to trigger asthma and dermatitis, and can also increase ‘bad’ cholesterol, increasing the risk of stroke or heart attack. Fluoride has neurotoxic potential. The fluoride added to our water is not the naturally occurring calcium fluoride found in trace amounts in our waterways, it is either sodium silicofluoride or hydrofluorosilicic acid. These are toxic by-products sourced from phosphate fertilizer manufacturers.
We recommend Pureau - Australia's Purest water (readily available at Woolworths and Coles) or a water filtration system that removes fluoride and heavy metals such as Reverse Osmosis or Distillation. Alkaway or Berkey are great simple, affordable filter systems.
Remineralizing your Water
To fully enjoy the benefits of contaminate-free water, we suggest adding a tiny pinch of Celtic Sea Salt, or Ancient Lakes Magnesium Enriched Salt to every glass of water. Drinking demineralized, or 'empty' water can affect the balance of important elements such as calcium and magnesium in the body, and lead to the dilution of electrolytes. These salts contain over 80 essential trace minerals that, when added back to your water, help to restore the balance of minerals, allowing for better absorption and hydration. Alternatively placing a Celtic sea salt Crystal on your tongue prior to drinking a glass of water can be beneficial. Alternatively, you can put a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt on your tongue before each glass of water to assist with water and nutrient absorption.
Top Tips
Warm water is the best for hydration and detoxification.
Avoid drinking around meal times as this can dilute digestive enzymes. It is best to drink half an hour before meals and half an hour after.
Start your day with a good pinch of ancient lakes magnesium-enriched salt or Celtic Sea Salt in a glass of clean filtered water, with the option to add a squeeze of lemon.
Take note of the difference hydration makes to your day, your energy, your digestion, and brain function.
If you would like a deeper understanding of the importance of Salt and Water you make like to take some time to watch this very informative video from Barbara O'Neill
Bright Blessings of good health - Your Ubuntu Community