Many heavy metals are in our environment and most are not naturally occurring. These substances enter our bodies through exposure to air pollution, farmed fish, dental fillings, pesticides in our foods, pharmaceuticals and even our tap water! Lead, mercury, cadmium, and aluminium slowly accumulate in our body, until they penetrate our cells and we begin to experience symptoms such as fatigue, digestive issues and brain fog. Over time, these can develop into more serious dis-eases, such as autoimmune conditions, heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, anxiety, thyroid problems and cancer.

The Best Foods for Heavy Metals Detox
- Organic Spirulina - Organic Chlorella
- Organic Barley grass - Dandelion Root
- Coriander - Garlic
- Wild Blueberries - Atlantic Dulse
Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that can remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body. In Australia, we have some of the oldest, purest, and most uncontaminated zeolite in the world. Formed through a reaction of volcanic ash and seawater, zeolite crystals have a cage-like structure and a negative charge that acts as a natural chelator, binding to the positively charged toxins and eliminating them from the body.
Here are a few of the known benefits of zeolite:
Removes toxic heavy metals
Helps remove pesticides, herbicides, and dioxins
Helps destroy bacteria and viruses
Acts as a powerful antioxidant
Provides alkalising minerals to support a healthy pH
Reduces allergy symptoms
Protects against leaky gut by improving intestinal permeability
Reduces mycotoxins from fungus infections
Removes radiation poisoning
Our unique Ubuntu 3 Phase protocol is undertaken over a period of 3 months which, in most cases, is a sufficient period to reduce heavy metal toxicity. It is essential that you ensure that you are well hydrated when doing a heavy metal detox to assist with the elimination of toxins. HERE
Bright Blessings your Ubuntu Community