Prior to the late 1800's to early1900s and the introduction of synthetic foods and medicines, our food was our medicine, especially herbs.

The Cannabis/Hemp plant for example has been consumed as food and medicine for thousands of years.
Our body was designed to function on the food that nature provided to us, I believe that natures foods and medicines will always be superior to isolated compounds or synthetic foods and medicines.
I feel our whole plant, "soil to psych philosophy" plays a huge part in the success in our clinic here at Ubuntu as I have witnessed this for myself, as have thousands of others.
Some clients have even tried other products and returned saying our products and client support are far superior to others.
If we are wanting to get on top of our health I think it's really important to realise that any disease in our body is there because of environmental toxins and lifestyle, so consistently in following The Ubuntu guidelines with natural products that are designed to right the wrongs and bring our body back into health and harmony, may take some time. If you are needing assistance to get on top of your health simply follow this link.
I choose to continue to take my 8/1 gel caps daily to manage stress, for disease prevention and to maintain my good heart and brain health. Learn more about out gel caps here.
My daily Hemp Seed smoothie for breakfast assists my body to remove any toxins, as Hemp is an amazing "mop up crop" and is also a great way to combat sugar cravings.
The Hemp Seed oil caps are also a great body maintenance because they assist good regular bowel movements to ensure our bowels are cleared better and nothing gets left behind 😉
And our beautiful range of Natural Lore wellness teas are a great way to strengthen our immune systems, and bring balance and harmony back into our physical existences.
I hope that you enjoyed this weeks well-being blog and I look forward to sharing with you all again next week.
Bright Blessings
Karen and your Ubuntu Community