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Hemp Food For Health.

We are excited to have some new editions to our Hemp Food Range.

Karen Burge -

Since starting my journey from sickness to health after an autoimmune disease diagnosis I quickly learned that my food is my medicine, and everything I put in and on my body feeds either wellness or disease.

My passion for cooking with Hemp then grew when I noticed the dramatic improvement in my own health when I started to consume Hemp Seeds daily, as well as witnessing the benefits with friends and others in our community.

I recently connected with a beautiful local business woman who shares the same passion for 'food being medicine' and the benefits of consuming a healthy diet for the nutritional, medicinal, and disease prevention benefits.

Every week now Milly Dawson and her beautiful staff at Healthy Cocktail Juice bar in Darby St Cooks Hill are donating their organic leftover pulp to our Ubuntu Kitchen which has inspired us to add more Hemp Food to our existing Hemp Food Range.

The first new product in our Hemp Food range are the "The Hempy Rainbow Patties", which are one of a variety of the hemp burger recipes available in the Sativa Sisters Cook Book and made with roasted vegetables, herbs, lemon, and lemon rind. Our patties are available in two sizes, the small falafel patties are a great addition to salads or wraps, and the burger patties are best served with salad, vegetables, or on a bread roll as a burger.

Our Hempy Rainbow Patties are gluten-free, a great whole plant meat alternative for vegans and vegetarians, and are best served with relish of your choice and our Ubuntu Hemp Seed Dressing.

The Hempy Rainbow Patties and other Hemp Food creations are made from fresh organic ingredients in our Ubuntu Kitchen every Wednesday by myself and volunteers from our community and are available in our Ubuntu Wellness Clinic at 97 Hunter St Newcastle and The Healthy Cocktail Juice bar 141 Darby St Cooks Hill, every Thursday until sold out.

These super Salubrious patties not only contain the benefits of Hemp seeds but also lemon and lemon rind as well as beetroot pulp. I found this fascinating article on the benefits of beetroot especially for women, and some great information on lemon below.

For a fairly small fruit, lemons are loaded with nutrients, including bone-strengthening calcium, mood-boosting magnesium, and muscle-supporting potassium. The pulp, juice, and peel contain flavonoids and vitamin C — two superstar antioxidants that are responsible for many of lemon's nutritional benefits. What's more, lemon pulp in particular is packed with soluble fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion, carbohydrate absorption, and management of blood cholesterol.

The feedback from our Hempy rainbow patties has been fantastic with people saying 'It feels healthy eating them' 'They taste delicious' and 'There was an evident improvement in bowel movement every time I eat them.'

Alternatively, you can add Hemp Seeds to any recipes especially your own Veggie patties or rissoles to get the benefits for yourself and your family or try more of our recipes here Hemp Seed recipes, or download our Free Kick Start your Health Recipe Book.

This week we also have two varieties of pre-made Hemp Milk Smoothies in 500ml, 1litre, 2-litre bottles, available by preorder only, as well as Hempy nut granola, Hempy nut granola bars, and Hempy sweet potato brownies, from 10 am Thursday until sold out. To pre-order smoothies call or text Ubuntu orders on 0425 213 550.

PS: If you are feeling a little sluggish and feel the need to kick start your health and give your digestion a rest or reboot I encourage you to check out the Healthy Cocktail cleanse programs, use the promo code "UBUNTU" to get 10% off your first purchase.

In the new year, Milly and I will also be presenting Hemp for Health and juice-fasting workshops at local yoga studios and gyms. Simply reply to this email if you would like us to come to your venue and inspire you and your community to take their health back into their own hands.

We still have one more week left on our Hemp For Health Spring promotion, see more information here or simply use this coupon HEMP10P (enter code at checkout) to receive a 10% discount on all our online Hemp Products.

Bright Blessings in Health and Well-being Karen Burge, and your Ubuntu community

Our food is our medicine 🌱💚

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luke hedley
luke hedley
13 дек. 2023 г.
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“If you don’t eat your food as Medicine, you will eat your Medicine as Food!” ~Socrates


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