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Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds are considered a superfood due to the exceptional nutritional value they offer.

Hemp Seeds

They are a great source of B vitamins, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. They contain powerful antioxidants which help fight against free radicals and plenty of fibre to optimise gut health. Their perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is crucial for our cells to function properly and beneficial for their anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp seeds also contain all nine essential amino acids, making them a complete source of protein that our bodies can utilise for growth, recovery, and repair. 

The recommended dietary intake for adults is 2 heaped tablespoons, twice per day. Start with 1 teaspoon (if you are sensitive) and build your way up slowly. We suggest a hemp seed smoothie and a salad with hemp seed dressing as part of your daily intake. Alternatively, sprinkle the seeds over any meal upon serving. 

Download our Hemp Recipe Book to experiment with different ideas and make it fun for the whole family to get healthy. 

Find out more about Low THC Hemp as Food.

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