Essential Minerals
An essential mineral is one that is required by the body to function, but must be provided through diet as the body is unable to produce it on its own.

When it comes to the health of the digestive system and the organs utilised for the removal of toxins from the body, magnesium, selenium and iodine are critical. In days past, our ancestors were able to meet their mineral requirements solely through food sources, however modern agricultural practices have depleted our soil, and therefore our food, of these vital minerals. Food processing and refining removes even more of them.
We recommend supporting regenerative farming practices and eating whole, unprocessed, organic foods as much as possible, however in many cases supplementation may still be necessary.
The body's need for magnesium is HUGE - it is involved in every one of our physiological functions, and is absolutely critical for the regulation of hundreds of biochemical reactions. Magnesium is essential for energy creation, bone formation, muscle movement and cardiovascular health. The nervous system is also dependent on it to regulate neurotransmitters which makes it a crucial element for brain function and mood. Almost every known illness is associated in some way with magnesium deficiency, and it is estimated that most of the population is deficient in this critical mineral as it is almost impossible to get enough from our modern diet. You can increase your daily intake by taking a supplement or consuming magnesium-rich foods such as:
Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seeds, Almonds, Cashews, Spinach, Edamame, Black Beans, Brown Rice, Avocado, Dark Chocolate or Cacao, Brazil Nuts, Buckwheat, Peanut Butter, Cacao, Hemp Seeds
Selenium is essential for mental health, as well as for general health. It is also a powerful antioxidant, required for glutathione synthesis, heavy metal detoxification, cancer prevention and the immune response. Along with iodine, selenium protects the thyroid against free radicals and reduces the amount of inflammation expressed in autoimmune thyroid disorders. There is mounting evidence that supplementing selenium and iodine simultaneously contributes to an improved balance between the two trace elements. This synergistic relationship is especially important for thyroid hormone which plays a key role in brain development in the womb and the healthy development of foetuses and young children.
The richest food sources of selenium:
Brazil Nuts, Turkey Breast, Eggs, Sardines, Sunflower Seeds, Beef Liver, Garlic, Onions, Lentils, Nutritional Yeast, Raw Dairy Products
Iodine plays a key role in health, mainly as an essential part of the thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism, however it is also vital for immune function, for cancer prevention, and for breast, ovary and prostate health. It is particularly critical for women's health due to its role in the development of the skeletal and nervous system in foetuses and infants. Insufficient iodine has also been linked to deficits in neurological development and an increased risk of ADHD. Low iodine intake can lead to symptoms such as poor digestion, dry mouth, skin problems, poor concentration, muscle pains, weakness and others. This causes metabolism to slow and aging to accelerate, and leads to hypothyroidism, obesity and cognitive decline.
The ocean is the prime provider of iodine rich foods. The levels of iodine available from other food sources such as vegetables and dairy products varies depending on the conditions they were grown or processed.
Dried Kelp, Wakame, and Nori, Wild-Caught Cod, Dulse Flakes, Eggs, Raw Dairy Products, Prunes, Broad Beans, Green Peas